Wednesday 12 February 2014

College Magazine Contents Page

College Magazine Front Cover Page

College Magazine Photoshoot Planning

For my preliminary task, I had to take some photos in which I did so in a studio with three point lighting. I have chosen some of the photos I am likely to use in my college magazine and annotated them as to why I feel they are a good choice. I have kept to the college theme and have tried to vary the images as much as possible.

College Magazine Contents Mock Up

This is a sketch for the layout of my Contents page.

College Magazine Front Cover Mock Up

Before creating my college magazine, I had a look at some other magazines and the different features that they had on them so that I knew how to layout my magazine. This is a sketch for the layout of my Front Cover page.

College Magazine Preparation, Design and Evaluation

Magazine Research

Double Page Spread Analysis

 I have annotated three different double page spreads in order to key what is important on the double page of a magazine.

Contents Page Analysis

 I have annotated three different contents in order to key what is important on the contents page of a magazine.

Front Cover Page Analysis

As part of the research and planning to my college magazine, I looked at other magazines and all the features that they contained in order to make sure I had the best planned magazine I could create. I have annotated three different front covers in order to key what is important on the front cover page of a magazine.

Music Industry Research